News list for " thompson"

Lekker Capital founder: US buying counterfeit products as a strategic reserve is a ridiculous idea and will never happen

Quinn Thompson, founder of hedge fund Lekker Capital, said the idea of the US buying counterfeit products as a strategic reserve was a ridiculous one and would never happen, after the New York Post reported that Mr. Trump had "embraced" the idea of creating tokens including SOL, XRP and Circle's USDC stablecoin as a "US-first strategic reserve". Quinn Thompson explains: "The government does not have the power to bet venture capital on counterfeit products. The rumor of setting up strategic reser...

2025-01-16 22:25:15
Lekker Capital创始人:美国购买山寨币作为战略储备是一个荒谬的想法,永远不会发生

对冲基金 Lekker Capital 创始人 Quinn Thompson表示,美国购买山寨币作为战略储备是一个荒谬的想法,永远不会发生。此前据《纽约邮报》报道称,特朗普“接受”创建包括 SOL、XRP 和 Circle 的USDC稳定币在内的代币作为“美国优先战略储备”的想法。 Quinn Thompson解释道:“政府没有权力将风险投资押注于山寨币。有关为其他非 BTC 货币设立战略储备的谣言是人们将原本糟糕...

2025-01-16 22:25:15
Sui Foundation appoints Christian Thompson as new head

According to official news, the Sui Foundation has announced the appointment of Christian Thompson as its new head. Prior to joining Mysten Labs and the Sui Foundation, Thompson served as Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (Deputy CISO) at Meta and was an early member of the Libra/Diem project. He also founded Knowledge Preserve and OnDetail and served in law enforcement for nearly a decade. In addition, he founded The Capital Quorum and co-founded the Capitola Foundation for Public Safet...

2024-12-23 06:31:04
Sui基金会任命Christian Thompson为新负责人

据官方消息,Sui 基金会宣布任命 Christian Thompson 为新任负责人。加入 Mysten Labs 和 Sui 基金会之前,Thompson 曾在 Meta 担任副首席信息安全官(Deputy CISO),并是 Libra/Diem 项目的早期成员。他还创立了 Knowledge Preserve 和 OnDetail,并在执法领域服务近十年。此外,他还创立了 The Capital Quorum,并共同创立了 Capitola 公共安全和社区服务基金会。 Thompson 将借助...

2024-12-23 06:31:04
The Sui Foundation has announced the appointment of former Meta executive Thompson as its new managing director

The Sui Foundation has announced the appointment of Christian Thompson as its new Managing Director, driving the next phase of ecological growth. As a former Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for Meta and an early member of the Libra/Diem project, Thompson will have overall responsibility for the foundation's development efforts, driving Sui's developer and customer engagement around the world. Thompson said Sui's scalability and user-friendly design make it the first choice for m...

2024-12-19 14:13:47
Sui 基金会宣布任命前 Meta 高管 Thompson 为新任董事总经理

Sui 基金会宣布任命 Christian Thompson 为新任董事总经理,推动下一阶段生态增长。作为前 Meta 副首席信息安全官(CISO)及 Libra/Diem 项目早期成员,Thompson 将全面负责基金会发展工作,推动 Sui 在全球的开发者与用户参与度。Thompson 表示,Sui 的扩展性和用户友好设计使其成为数百万加密用户的首选,未来将致力于吸引下一波 Web3 用户与开发者。

2024-12-19 14:13:47
NBA star Tristan Thompson tweeted about Meme Coin WHY on BNB Chain

NBA Cleveland Cavaliers active player Tristan Thompson (Tristan Thompson) recently mentioned the popular Meme coin WHY on the BNB Chain many times on X, and compared with the market value of SOL, BNB and WIF.

2024-07-29 03:15:17